Balneum gives relief from dry and itchy skin


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Balneum cosmetics offer a complete line of skincare products aimed to provide relief from dry and itchy skin conditions and are suitable for families and children over the age of three. They work by rehydrating the skin, leaving it soothed and feeling nourished. Balneum have made it their mission to help you itch less and live more, whatever your lifestyle may be.

What does Balneum contain?

Balneum Dry Skin and Itch Relief Cream is an easily absorbed cream that reduces itching, and hydrates skin with the help of two active ingredients – lauromacrogols and urea. Lauromacrogols acts like a local anaesthetic, providing relief and reducing the uncomfortable sensation of dry skin in less than 5 minutes post application. Urea on the other hand is a natural moisturiser that helps keep skin hydrated; strengthening your skin and acting as a natural barrier against bacteria.

Balneum state that using the cream regularly helps to lock in moisture and replenish much needed oils, keeping the skin moisturised for longer whilst relieving itchiness, dryness and discomfort.

Balneum Dry Skin and Itch Relief Cream is ideal for those with dry itchy skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis

How should I use Balneum?

Balneum Cream should be applied directly to the skin. They should be smoothed, not rubbed, into the skin gently in the same direction that your hair grows. This helps prevent hair follicles getting blocked.

They can be used to replace lost moisture whenever your skin feels dry or tight. They’re very safe and you cannot overuse them.

When should I apply it to my skin?

Emollients can be applied as often as you like to keep the skin well moisturised and in good condition. Ideally, this should be done at least 3 or 4 times a day.

It’s especially important to regularly apply an emollient to your hands and face, as they’re exposed to the elements more than any other part of your body. Certain activities, such as swimming or gardening, can irritate the skin. It may help to apply an emollient before doing these.

It’s a good idea to protect babies’ hands and cheeks with an emollient before mealtimes to stop them getting sore from food and drink.

Emollients are best applied after washing your hands, taking a bath or showering because this is when the skin most needs moisture.

The emollient should be applied as soon as you have patted your skin dry to make sure it’s properly absorbed.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

There are no restrictions for its use during pregnancy, but it is not to be used on the breasts just before breast feeding.

Where can I purchase Balneum products?

Shop the PPRX online store today for exclusive deals on the Balneum range

Find out more about itchy and dry skin on the NHS website

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